Everything You Need To Know About Rosario Island Before You Land Up There

If you are looking for a peaceful island then look no further than Rosario Island. Go on a full-day trip to this island with your friends and families- this serene location located right at the heart of the Caribbean Sea definitely steals the show. Getting your feet to have wet under crystal clear water-you can also explore the amazing coral reefs that surround this region. Little Info about Rosario Island Rosario Island is an archipelago located along the Colombian Caribbean coast-about an hour away from the city of Cartagena. This island is amongst the 46 Natural National Parks of Colombia, it was founded in 1988. Rosario Island is only accessible through a boat and features an aquarium, an open sea oceanarium, while outdoor activities include scuba diving, swimming, fishing, snorkeling, etc. Major Tourist Attractions on this island 1. Oceanario- marine life, beautiful coral reef, swimming, etc. 2. ...