Three Essential Traveltips That Will Make Travelling Stressless
Here are some three tips that will make travelling stress less, so if you are travelling during the holiday season there is a good chance that you will run into snags that are frustrating and just cause you big headaches throughout your journey. Tip #1 sign up for TSA Recheck If you are ever standing in a line at the airport and you are in the line for security and you see some person cut in front of you think that they probably are the first class. It's probably because they have TSA Recheck which is a government program, it cost 85$. So you can do the math to see how cheap it is and it essentially lets you skip the major airport security lines and then when you go through actual security. You don’t have to take out your shoes and you can keep your laptop in your bag. Pro tip- Flying first class is not necessary to skip airport security. Tip#2 Get access to VIP Lounges So a lot of time when you are travelling to the airport, when you are travelling during the holi...