Things to know about Winnipeg- 2 Pros and Cons of Moving to Winnipeg
Do you have any idea what living in Winnipeg is like!! Today we will show you some of the pros and cons of moving to Winnipeg, so stay tuned.
Pros of
living in Winnipeg
The People- the people
are probably one of the friendliest people you are going to find in all of
Canada. Check the license plate they actually say friendly Manitoba which is
very true, people are incredibly kind, considerate, and fun. Even though the
population is over 700,000 that really adds a small-town feel to it. Usually
only two to three degrees of separation, it is really a small-town atmosphere
with amazing people.
Diversity- It is
culturally, religiously, and racially diverse. Because of the diversity,
Winnipeg is a very welcoming community and the reason why the people are so amazing.
One of the festivals that are held annually in Winnipeg is called the
Folklorama- a festival that is held every year to celebrate diversity. It
is the largest longest-running multicultural festival of its kind in the world.
Cons of
living in Winnipeg
Crime Rate-Don’t choose
to not live in Winnipeg because of the crime alone. It is the murder capital of
Canada because the per capita murder rates are higher than elsewhere in Canada.
A lot of the crime is actually non-violent, so people rummaging through cars,
stealing change but the violent crimes like murder, assault, etc. are often
much localized. They are usually gang-related so you need not worry.
Transportation-Here in
Winnipeg if you plan to ride the public transit system and you are coming from
a larger city you might be disappointed. The times for bus options are a little
more limited and the routes are not as ideal as the big cities. The majority of
the people living in Manitoba have their own vehicles because the public
transit would not be at the same level.
We hope this blog gave you some idea about
Winnipeg, to read more blogs on different itineraries you can check the Spirit Airlines Flights.
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