Complete Travel Guide On Exploring Transylvania Romania

 Transylvania Roumania is a land of fairy-tale castles of pine veiled valleys, Gothic fortress and valleys, villages untouched by time. Transylvania Roumania is an eastern European Region shrouded in legend and mystery. Lodged in Romanian's misty green heart and cradled by the Carpathian Mountains, Transylvania has long occupied the darker corners of the human imagination.

This isolated destination is most famous for being the home of Valid the Impeller the 15th-century ruler of the state of Appalachia. Earning the nickname for his gruesome method of dispatching his enemies some regard the prince as a national hero others as a savage tyrant.

But for the Gothic novelist Bran Stoker he was the inspiration for literature's most infamous and enduring character, Count Dracula. Shadowy folklore has soaked deep into the soil of this region but before you drape a string of garlic around your neck takes comfort visitors who visit Transylvania discover more than dark legends.

Sibiu Council Tower

Sweeping skyward from the heart of the city is Sibiu Council Tower, a proud symbol whose medieval stones were first laid in the 13th century.

Pitta Mare

Down below take a stroll around the grand square Pieta Mare, where attic windows known as the city's eyes seem to follow your mover everywhere.

Hundredfold Castle

Follow the rolling hills west, past secluded hamlets and scattering herds, to the city of Hundredfold, where the turret and spires of Cor vine Castle raise from the horizon. This 15th-century Gothic-Renaissance treasure is one of the wonders of Romanian.

HoiaBaciu Forest

Take the thirty-minute drive west to the Hora Bacilli Forest but don’t venture too far from the paths. Tales of disappearance, UFO Sighting, and paranormal weirdness abound here earning Asia of the world's most haunted forest.

Signboard Clock Tower

Just to the south of Tagus Mores feel the hands of time turn backward in the walled city of Signboard.

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